Thursday, 23 February 2012

My life right now

I know I know, I have been slacking off on writing this blog for FAR too long. I miss writing in it actually. As I stated in one of my recent posts life has just been way too hectic to find the time to write.
Ive never considered myself a good writer. Im not a writer. Im a reader. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read a good book. But in the last while I have had more than one person tell me that I need to continue writing in my blog because they love to read it…because they think I am a great writer… here I am. Writing again.
I keep stating how hectic my life is…so I will elaborate a little bit. Along with working 3 jobs right now, I am also a mom of 2 little ladies who are in school. On top of that, I am getting married to my love in May so we are planning the wedding….organizing the guest list, the seating charts, the favours, the parties etc….Im tired just reading everything going on in life right now!
Amongst all of this I decided that starting this past Monday it was really time to buckle down and get back to the gym…everyday. I go in the morning before work…which is totally fine cause I am definitely a morning person, but when I work 2 jobs in a day man does it make for a long day!! Im surviving so far though – and I am down 3 lbs since I started on Monday which is awesome. I have been really watching what I eat…counting calories. At the moment I am doing a couple of protein shakes a day along with some fruit and veggies and then one main meal. I am going to do this for a bit and then Ill switch it up if I need to. So like last year I am not going to state what my starting weight this go around is but I will say that my goal at the moment is to lose 19 more pounds before our wedding which is May 19. I think that this is totally doable- I just have to FOCUS! ….which brings me to my next topic….
THE WEDDING! Ahhhh I cant believe it is less than 3 months away. Time has absolutely flown by this past year. We booked the venue in the first week or two of March last year …so a year has already gone by. We are getting pretty close to having most stuff planned now, we are just down to the little details…so obviously I am excited to be married but I am REALLY excited for 4 days after the wedding…..MEXICO!
We had such an amazing time last year in Mexico that we decided to invite a bunch of our friends with us this year. We are going as a group rather than a honeymoon with just the 2 of us. It was just such a great time that we cant imagine not having friends with us…it just makes it that much more exciting to be able to hang out with everyone while there! 3 months today and we hit the beaches in Mexico….WOO HOO! Well that’s all I have to say at the moment. I promise to try and make a bit more of an effort for those of you who enjoy reading!  Xo-B

Saturday, 11 February 2012

One Great Year

Hi! Life is RIDICULOUSLY busy at the moment (3 jobs + 2 kids = no time for life) so when life slows down I will take a minute to update but for now I wanted to quickly share something.... My uncle & his lovely lady wrote a book together. For all my book loving friends --- it promises to be a great read! Im so excited to read it as it's been getting rave reviews. Let me know if I can help you get a copy!
Check out their website: