Friday, 25 March 2011

Sometimes you just need to vent

Sometimes you just need to vent. Today is that day for me.
You know, when I started my weight loss journey I had no idea the struggle that would come. Not just physically in the gym but mentally. I have written about struggling to see my new self in the mirror but now my problem is a little different.
You'd think that my clothes being too big would be a good thing, but really it has caused me to be sooo frustrated and upset. Every morning I change and change and change and never feel good about myself. My clothes are all too big so when I put them on, they hang off me and I feel worse about myself than I did 40 lbs ago.
With an upcoming trip to Mexico amongst a million other things going on in my life, a shopping trip is just not in the cards right now. Not to mention, I plan on losing some more, so I don't want to spend a bunch of money on new clothes when I will just need to do it again, know what I mean? What to do??? Maybe Ill win the lottery...or maybe money will just fall out of the sky and land in my hands. . . I can dream & wish cant I?

Someone (you know who you are) sent me this and its an interesting little read:

Think of yourself not in terms of your problems.

 Instead, identify yourself with your most promising possibilities.

 Think of yourself not in terms of your regrets or disappointments.

 Instead, consider all the valuable and useful lessons you've learned.

 The way you picture yourself has a powerful effect on the reality of your life.

 And you can picture yourself any way you choose.

 Picture yourself expressing the best that is within you.

 Picture yourself living fully, loving sincerely, giving gladly, and bringing unique value to each moment.

 Picture yourself as the joyful, creative and effective person you know you can be.

 Picture yourself dancing swiftly and successfully past each challenge and limitation.

 You hold in your mind a mental picture of yourself.

 The quality and substance of that picture make all the difference in the actions you take and the results you get.

 Make that picture brilliantly superb, and your life will follow right along.

-- Ralph Marston

Another thing I stumbled across that Id like to share is this website:

It is very good for those (like me) who have problems seeing their own body for what it actually is.

On another note, its Friday. That's a good thing. This weekend will be good. Tomorrow I can get my house back in order. Saturdays are my cleaning day but last weekend was soo busy that there was no chance for cleaning so my house has seriously suffered. Sunday I am going to the wedding show! Yay! Time to get some ideas for this wedding!! :)

36 days til we leave for Mexico.. Theres soooo much to do before then. Eeeek xo-B

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