Monday, 14 March 2011

Strep throat blows

Well, the last couple days have been a total bust!!! Friday at work I started to get a bit of a sore throat. Wasnt feeling too, too bad so I went to the gym as usual, had a good work out.
Saturday morning I woke up feeling pretty run down but I thought I was just tired. Got to the gym and decided nope, I am not doing this. I feel like crap. Went home, and my throat started to get worse. Spent the afternoon in bed and then went to bed early on Saturday night. Saturday night I must have woken up literally 10 times. . my throat was KILLING me. I have never had a sore throat like that before. Sunday morning I woke up and had a fever...spent the day in bed and my throat was sooo sore I couldnt talk/eat/swallow. Shawn went and got me all these different meds that were supposed to help my throat but literally nothing worked... Finally by 3 pm I decided I need to go to the doctor... Got to the doc, he takes one quick look at my throat and goes "WOW, your throat is on fire, yes thats strep" Gives me a prescription for antibiotics. Today I am home from work..cant talk and feel soo run down.  So in a nut shell, I havent been to the gym in 3 days. Yikes. The upside about being sick is I havent been eating so my weight is down (LOL) ...but of course this is not true weight loss.
I shouldnt be contagious anymore after this evening so I hope to go back to work tomorrow if Im feeling up to it. But what an awful weekend. Having strep throat is soooo bad, this is my first time having it, and hopefully my last!!

On another note, since I have been soo immobile this weekend, I spent a lot of time on my lap top researching wedding stuff. I think we have our colours picked out which is pretty cool! (Not telling what they are yet) Does anyone know any websites that have photos of peoples weddings and receptions? What are some good wedding websites?

Just wanted to share a couple comparison photos of my weight loss progress so far:
Here I am Dec 11, and then again March 11 wearing the same outfit.

Here I am November 15 and then again March 11

I am sooo glad I took photos as this is the only way I can notice my weight loss. When I look in the mirror, I am still not seeing it. I absolutely hateee the mind games that come with weight loss!!
These last pounds are coming off, verrrrry slowly. . . . Ill just keep plugging away...


  1. Brit go to it has daily wedding inspirations and everything :) I know another super cute website but I'm having a brain fart right now but I'll let you know when I think of it!

  2. is the other one
